Hernando County, FL
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Hernando/Citrus MPO
789 Providence Boulevard
Brooksville, FL 34601-3043
Phone (352) 754-4082
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Transportation Disadvantaged Program Documents
Transportation Disadvantaged Program
The Transportation Disadvantaged Program is sponsored by the State of Florida Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund. The overall mission of the program is to ensure the availability of efficient, cost-effective, quality transportation services for transportation disadvantaged persons. People served by the program are persons who because of physical or mental disability, income, status or age, are unable to transport themselves or purchase transportation, and are, therefore, dependent upon others to obtain access to health care, employment, education, shopping, social activities or other life-sustaining activities or children who are handicapped, high-risk or at-risk, as defined in s.411.202, Florida Statutes.
The MPO is the designated planning agency for both Hernando and Citrus county and provides support to their respective Local Coordinating Boards. Additionally, the MPO assists with the preparation of the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan and annual updates for each County.
Mid Florida Community Services, Inc./Trans-Hernando is Hernando Countyโs designated Community Transportation Coordinator. Call (352) 799-1510 for more information.
Citrus County Transit is Citrus Countyโs Designated Transportation Coordinator. Call (352) 527-7630 for more information.