Important Note β this form should not be used to report emergencies.
To report emergencies, please call our office during regular business hours:
Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Examples of emergency services include:
- Damage/removal of stop/traffic signs
- Potholes
- Damaged sidewalks
- Traffic light or school beacon light malfunction
During non-operating hours, call the Hernando County Sheriffβs non-emergency number at (352) 754-6830 to report your problem.
Describe the problem in detail and include any information that will help us in locating the problem. Be aware you may be contacted by email or telephone for clarification.
Confidentiality and Public Records:
Any information included is not confidential and is subject to Public Records Laws of the State of Florida and will be provided upon request. Any information included cannot be deleted or retracted once submitted.
Beginning July 1, 2021, Florida Statute was amended to prohibit code inspectors designated by boards of county commissioners from initiating investigations of potential violations of codes and ordinances through anonymous complaints. Persons who report potential violations are required to provide his or her name and address to the respective local government before an investigation will occur. The Department of Public Works (DPW) does NOT accept anonymous complaints to avoid any violation of the statute in case the potential violation could eventually be sent to Code Enforcement for resolution. For additional information regarding this amendment, citizens may track this amendment at the following link: